Thursday, March 28, 2013

In Curanderismo, Abuela Luna’s energy is very powerful. Many methods of honoring her: fire ceremony, bath ceremony, smudging, purging rituals, and drumming.

Try to either get outside to see the moon, or look at it out a window, or even jus...t close your eyes and visualize the full moon bursting with light and glory. Slow your breathing to enter a light meditative state by breathing in at the count of 4, hold for 4, exhale to 4. Once you’ve entered your meditative state set your intentions of letting go, purging, releasing and receiving abundance from the Moon’s Energies.

Prayer is very powerful at this time on the full moon and said to be very magical! Use this prayer to ask that your life is blessed with happiness, good health, friendship, love and more.

"I pray upon the moon,
That my prayer be heard soon,
These are the things I ask –
A happy home, and good health,
a circle of friends and peace of mind,
a special love that’s been hard to find.
Dispel my worries, all my fears,
protect my loved ones and keep them near.
Please keep me safe, with those I love
and bless my life from up above." ~Author Unknown

Below is a bath ritual given by Maestro Laurencio Lopez Nunez

Gather albahca (basil), ruda (rue), spearmint (yerba buena), feverfew (santa maria), rosemary (romero) for an aromatic cleansing bath. Traditionally in Oaxaca these herbs are used but use what you have on hand i.e. essential oils, sea salt, kosher salt, fresh rose petals or other flowers. Run hot water, place herbs/flowers in water and allow to steep for about 10 minutes. Soak for at least 30 minutes. Allow your body to “melt” away envida (envy), susto (fear), pesar (grief) and/or any energies weighing heavy on your spirit, heart, mind and body. Give yourself permission to make it a loving ceremony by adding lit candles, music, chanting etc “I Love Myself, I Accept Myself, I Embrace Myself” *Hint* Place herbs/flowers in a cotton sock or muslin bag to avoid clogging up the drain. Enjoy!

Many blessings,
Kalpulli Teocalli Ollin
Image from
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