Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Alzheimer's Disease What if there was a cure?,

I just finished the book, "Alzheimer's Disease What if there was a cure?", author is Mary T. Newport M.D.  It is about a doctor and caregive discovers a high energy fuel that nourishes the brain .  So informative.  Mary has such heart, commitment and love as she stands by her man, as in the middle of her busy schedule of being a Doctor of the newborn intensive care unit at S;pring Hill Regional Hospital in florida, she is told that her husband has alzheimer's disease and basically there was not anything that she can do, except make her husband comfortable as he
deteriorates.  She chose to start her own investigation and she finds information about the story of Ketones and how coconut oil helps her husband gain back his life....I highly recommend this book for not only caretakers of Alzheimer's patents but also Diebites, Parkinsons, Huntingtons, mood disorders.  VERY INTERESTING!!    Here is a Youtube.....http://youtu.be/dRbnd-vNn9o
Worth the read.....

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